Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog discussion: What is Augmented Reality? -extension-

Augmented reality is a new emerging technology that involves the overlay of computer graphics on the real world where computer graphics objects are merged into real footage in reality (EDUCAUSE 2005). Unlike virtual reality, it does not create a simulation of reality. Instead, it takes a real object or space as the foundation and incorporates technologies that add related data to deepen a person’s understanding of the subject. In other words, this means that Augmented reality creates a simulation based on real-time objects and space instead of creating a virtual world which would be totally different.

The technology development for augmented reality systems has been maturing after years of hard work by technology related companies such as Total Immersion as well as universities. Companies such as Nissan and LEGO have already been testing it on the market. For example, LEGO has imprinted an AR barcode on the casing of the toy. Thus, consumers can have a sneak peek of what the blocks would look like after it has been set up. The simulation shown would have a 360 degrees view of it top to bottom and inside out. Besides using the Head-Mounted Display which is of course presents the best visuals, common optics such as webcams or even cell phone cameras could now present the visual effects of AR. The latest products with such capabilities would be iPhone and the android phones such as HTC Aria.

After viewing the videos shown, what do you think about AR? It is impressive or what? Is it persuasive enough to make you wanting to buy the products above or would you like the usual dull leaflet instead? This technology would be incredibly attractive for younger consumers as they would be more easily attracted by this new technology.

Therefore, uses of this in education are inevitably important. Think of it this way, if there would be not just normal text books, but books with 3D graphics or video visual popping out from the text book. Wouldn’t you wish you could have a book like that in your schooling years? Now, it is all possible.

Reference list:


  1. Hi Hui Tze & Kevin,
    I think that augmented reality technology is an amazing technology that will sure bring benefit to us. I think that the what showed in the video is impressive as by using the augmented reality technology, the buyer can see the product that still in box in 3D.

    It will be more amazing in the future if this technology are been put in use in our mobile phone as the augmented reality can improves the mobile usability as the phone are are to sense space,people, object around you.

    Besides that, if augmented reality is also implement in the GPS Navigation system, the user of the GPS will become more convenient as there can view the map in 3D where there is more detail on the map.

    Last, the augmented reality also has many advantage if implement on the education side. For example, text book that using augmented reality allow the student to feel the object and getting more detail and information.

    Advantages and Drawbacks of Using Augmented Reality, viewed 9 October 2010
    Augmented Reality: The Future of Education Technology, viewed 9 October 2010

  2. Hello Jia Zhen!

    Thank you for your reply! Yes augmented reality can definetely help improve our standard of living and help us in our daily life at ease.
    However nonetheless, there are also it's obstacle in implementing AR to objects such as text book as it's development and maintainence cost is relatively quite high if compared to other traditional text book.
